For Immediate Release: Maine software startup launches innovative VenueApp

Tide Creative
For Immediate Release:

Maine software startup launches innovative VenueApp Taps into growing mobile marketing trend

PORTLAND, Maine, October 17th, 2012 – Tide Creative, a new startup software company based in Portland, announces the launch of an innovative mobile software application service for wedding and event venues. VenueApp, a one-of-a-kind iPhone application developed in Maine, enables wedding venues to establish a custom branded presence in the App Store and on the mobile devices of brides, grooms and guests. Users can share branded content online and via mobile-to-mobile social media. This provides a unique opportunity for wedding and event venues to access and interact with millenials clinets.

Each custom VenueApp serves the following core functions:

  • Highlight images and key information about the venue.
  • Share event-planning tips and ideas specific to the venue.
  • Stream the venue’s blog posts and social media content.
  • Showcase the venue’s recommended vendors.
  • Enable users to share venue-branded photos of themselves with friends.
“VenueApp has allowed our marketing to come full circle,” says Jessika Brooks, CEO of French’s Point estate in Stockton Springs, Maine. “Having French’s Point on the phones of our current clients and potential clients will be invaluable. We have seen a number of new inquiries in just the short time it has been live.”Mobile applications like VenueApp are a critical component of any successful marketing strategy. According to a recent Nielsen study, the number of minutes users spent per month on apps more than doubled from March 2011 to March 2012, while time spent on mobile web remained static. Americans now spend just over two hours per day on cell phone apps, and leading brands are combining a sleek mobile web experience with a social-media friendly branded app to penetrate deeper than competitors relying on either platform alone. VenueApp is on the cusp of this fundamental market shift.


About Tide Creative: Tide Creative is a startup software company based in Portland, Maine with employees in Maine, New Hampshire and Ohio. The company leverages wedding industry expertise, design and the latest technology to build mobile applications that change the way people experience weddings. The company's first product is VenueApp, a unique mobile platform that enables wedding venues to establish a custom branded presence in the App Store and on the mobile devices of brides, grooms and guests. To learn more about how Tide Creative is wowing the wedding experience trough software development, visit or contact J Sandifer, Tide Creative Employee #1, at (207) 200-8433.

mobile marketing for wedding venues